'Rongohia te Hau' Whanau evening next Monday, 5 September 2022 5.30-7.30pm APS Hall
Good afternoon,
We are inviting you to attend our first whanau evening to discuss and understand this cultural survey that will help us to understand the experiences of whanau, kaimahi (staff) & tamarkik (children) at our school.
Please see the details attached and come along if you can.
We appreciate that this is short notice given that we have had many distractions, including weather events.
This is important work and we wish to begin next week.
Nga mihi nui.
Sonya Hockley

Auckland Point School closed to students and staff tomorrow - Friday, 18 August 2022
Kia ora whanau,
This is to advise you that in agreement with the Auckland Point School Board of Trustees our school will be closed for students and staff tomorrow, Friday 19 August 2022. This is due to the State of Emergency declared in Nelson and to keep everyone safe while we experience this severe weather event.
Please keep your children at home for the day.
School will resume again on Monday 22nd August. You will be contacted if this should change.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Sonya Hockley,
M: 027 362 4496
E: principal@aps.school.nz
In the meantime stay dry, safe and warm.
Thank you for your support
Nga mihi nui,
Sonya Hockley
Link to Leader article on our Principal Mrs Sonya Hockley

Matariki Celebrations & Whanau Day at APS this Thursday, 23 June 2022
Hope you can join us.

Reminder: Teacher Only Day - Friday, 3 June 2022
Wishing you all a happy and safe long weekend. See you back at school Tuesday, 7 June 2022

Reminder: Teacher Only Day this Friday, 22 October & Labour Day Monday, 25 October 2021
No School for Students Friday, 22 - Monday, 25 October 2021 - 4 Day Weekend